The causes of psoriasis


Many people know about such a broad and accidents diseases such as psoriasis. The disease occurs in men and women of almost all ages. It is often diagnosed psoriasis, what is the name of a disease in medical practice, and in children. The main symptoms of the disease are rashes in the form of rounded or oval spots on various parts of the body. In the advantage of cases the disease affects the skin of the veil. Most often the psoriatic plaques occur on the elbows, knees, palms, stopping the legs, in the area of hair growth on the head, armpits depression, in the groin and skin folds. However, the disease is able to affect not only the declining extent into the dermis. There are types of pathology, causing damage to the joints (psoriatic arthritis), but also nail makeover (nail psoriasis), and even the eyes.

Research in the field of psoriasis has been going on for a very long time, but still the nature of the disease is not clarified. Some experts link the pathology with the work of the immunity of a person, others argue that the real causes of illness is stress and excessive emotional experiences, others are inclined to believe in the emergence of the disease due to violation of metabolic processes in the body. The theory of illness is rather a lot, however, neither one of them have no scientific confirmation. It is only known that psoriasis, the reasons, which to date remains a mystery, refers to the inflammatory non-communicable pathologies of a chronic nature.

Theory of the origin of psoriasis

Causes of psoriasis – is a very controversial question to this day, is the giver of peace the world's scientists. Numerous laboratory and clinical studies can not give a scientific explanation of the development of the disease. All theories are just a prerequisite. In practice to confirm only to some extent. So, further in the article to try to find an explanation of the development of such diseases as psoriasis from a scientific point of view. Causes of psoriasis on the today's day, explain the following theories:

  1. Immune.
  2. Hereditary.
  3. Endocrine.
  4. Viral.
  5. Neurogenic.
  6. Exchange.

All were developed on the basis of the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease in many years of psoriasis.

The immune theory

the immune theory

Scientists believe that the reason for the disease is directly related to the immune protection of the person. This theory is one of the most common and reliable on the day. The representatives of this opinion argue that psoriasis arises under the influence of such, as it is an autoimmune aggression. This process happens due to the perception of the cells of the immunity cells of the dermis as the aggressors. It is their perception as foreign contacts as a result of this reaction particles of skin heavily inflamed and refused. The refusal process most often starts in the following cases:

  • the frequent friction of skin sheets;
  • burns;
  • abrasions, scratches and other damage to the skin.

The study of psoriatic scales by the method of biopsy has allowed to reveal in them some antigenic complexes while in the blood, there was a large amount of antibodies to them. Partly this confirms the breakdown in communication with the idol, but to prove completely the theory in practice, until they fail. It is believed that the damage to the natural protection of man can only operate one of the provoking factors for developing psoriasis.

The theory of heredity

The incidence of psoriasis also explains the theories connecting it with a genetic predisposition. Advocates of this view assert that the main cause of the occurrence of the disease is the hereditary factor. Simply put, disease is transferred from relative to relative in the blood line.

Research in this area has shown that the reason for the occurrence of psoriasis can be a genetic predisposition, because more than 60% of all patients have in their clan relatives, also suffer from the disease. In addition, managed to find the following features:

  • if psoriasis is sick one of the parents, the probability of the occurrence of the disease in a child can amount to 25%;
  • in that case, when from rashes regularly suffers from both parents, the risk increases to more than double and amounts to 75%.

Genetic theory today, although it has some confirmation in practice, it is not the original. In many cases, a patient's request for assistance in addition to heredity is celebrated on the sum of a number of other provoking factors of the disease.


endocrine theory

This theory assumes that the causes of psoriasis may be lurking in violation of the hormonal balance of the body. Having carefully studied the pathology, scientists have come to believe that the pathologically rapid process of division of cells of the dermis a person when the disease is associated with hormonal imbalances. More often than not, these defects occur as a result of various diseases of the organs of the endocrine system. It may be a pathology of the thyroid gland, the pancreas, and the pituitary gland. Also the possible causes of hormonal disorders can affect the following state of the person:

  • pregnancy;
  • ovulation;
  • taking certain hormonal drugs.

In practice, doctors note a significant worsening of the disease during this period. However, despite this communication and the alleged confirmation of the theory in practice, basic and unverified I do not consider it.


The causes of the disease psoriasis a long time associated with transmission of diseases of viral nature, and also with the presence of foci of chronic inflammation in the body. Is based this theory on the fact that in the period of the flow of the disease, caused by a virus, psoriasis significant escalates. They are also aware of cases of primary occurrence of psoriasis at the time of disease of viral etiology. Refutes the theory that as a result of these diseases greatly weaken the immunity of the person, that may also be associated with the development of psoriasis. To the same known fact is that psoriasis is not passed from person to person, the investigating this theory does not have confirmation from a medical point of view.



The representatives of this opinion argue that often becomes a scab in the nervous system. Neurogenic theory excludes the causes of psoriasis, directly related to the psychosomatic state of the person. This view is one of the youngest and not proven in practice. Explains the theory developed by disease the presence of the following human conditions:

  • stress;
  • excessive excitement and anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • a strong revision.

As a result of these disorders in humans observed a neurosis of the blood vessels, which causes their constriction, and, in consequence, leads to violation of blood flow to the tissues of the dermis. Such a failure gives you the opportunity to development on the body psoriatic rashes of different nature.

According to statistics, obtained in the XX century, a larger percentage of people, who have this or that form of pathology, a precursor of the disease was stress.

The theory of exchange

Causes of psoriasis and its treatment to date are a very hot topic. Because of what appears psoriasis? This question haunts, not only sick, but also medicine. Representatives of the theory of a violation of metabolic processes linking the development of the pathology with violation of the metabolic functions of the organism. In the course of many years of research the disease and many of the laboratory analyses, managed to discover a few of the symptoms, linking all patients. The data obtained give every reason to believe that the cause of occurrence of psoriasis is a dysfunction of the metabolism of a person. So, what to do:

  1. A violation of the metabolic processes indicates the body temperature of patients is lower than normal.
  2. In the body of the sick is celebrated raising the levels of cholesterol and other negative substances that in a healthy man excreted naturally.
  3. An imbalance of vitamins. In all patients pathology of the b vitamins and a, are in short supply. However, vitamin C, conversely, in excess.

The exchange theory, though has some confirmation in practice, it is not officially approved.

The factors inducing the disease

To sum up, it is necessary to draw attention to a number of factors, which can not only cause disease, but also significantly worsen its course. So, what causes scabies, we will try to find out on.

Spiritual causes of psoriasis

Often at the emergence of psoriasis is link with stress and unrest. For the avoidance of complications, doctors recommend you limit yourself from excessive fatigue, strong nervous tension and situations that are able to result in stress.

Diseases of an infectious nature


To induce the initial development of the disease and its complications are able to chronic inflammatory disease. The avoidance of these adverse effects is recommended to timely treat the infection, do not start the disease, going for medical help.


Causes of psoriasis in women is often associated with pregnancy. It is in this period in the body are strong hormonal changes. Every expectant mother, the suffering of the disease, it must very carefully refers to his health. Preventive measures include regular prenatal visits, avoidance of stressful situations, proper diet, refusal of bad habits, adherence to the regime of the day.

Injury and damage to the skin

The causes of disease often lie in the chemical, mechanical damage of the dermis. A variety of burns, cuts, scratches and other microtrauma can become a factor, triggered the disease. Also, the disease may develop because of the effect on the skin chemicals. For example, various detergents. People who have to deal with these materials, doctors recommend wearing protective equipment.

Bad habits


It is also shown that the significant negative influence of harmful habits on the course of the disease. Drinking of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and other kinds of narcotic drugs greatly impairs the course of psoriasis. It is choice of harmful habits on the immunity of the patient.

Consumption of certain medical devices

Many of the drug are able to bring not only benefit, but harm. With psoriasis the use of such drugs, as are some kinds of antibiotics, Immunostimulants, vitamin complexes, can trigger disruption of the functioning of the immunity. The result is a complication of the disease.

Improper nutrition

Daily diet a person can also become a cause of the development of the pathology and its considerable complications. Patients suffering from the disease or have a predisposition to the disease is very important to watch your diet. From the food is recommended to exclude oily, spicy, fried, smoked, too much salty food. Nutritionists recommend to give preference to food cooked on a couple, but also a way of cooking. On the table should be a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, dairy products.

So, the causes of psoriasis are very diverse. Cause disease capable of many factors. However, it is not necessary to think that psoriasis – this is the verdict. Early treatment, a responsible approach to your body, the adjustment mode of the day and nutrition, to enable you to cope with the disease and to remove complications in the future.